Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mr. Yang

Introduction In recent years, the competition between low-cost airlines / no frills airlines and legacy airlines has arouse a heat debate, especially In North America. Although airline Industries Including diverse tasks, deciding the price of airplane ticket might be the most significant part In marketing. This assignment attempts to analysis the different pricing strategies that Airline companies make to enhance competitiveness in North America. Moreover, these comparisons will be supported by examples of low-cost airline (Southwest Airline) and legacy airline (American Airlines).Firstly, cussing the operation, which is called low-cost carrier. Secondly, analysis their strategy in defining price. Final parts are a development with these points and a proof of the successful experiences in the airline industry. Key point 1 â€Å"Pricing† is a useful strategy for Airline Companies to increase their profit. It is widely believed that Airline Industry has become intense because th ere are over 200 airlines companies attempt reducing price of airplane tickets. Facing the intense competition, Low Price might be the tactic used by airlines.In addition, â€Å"Fixed cost†, the basic costs o malting a company, Is the other difficulties In traditional airline companies for covering financial situation due to problem of Inflation. The two challenges threat airlines in recent years, hence some traditional airlines transfer to Low-Cost carrier (LLC) to economize unit costs. Furthermore, the cost in Human Resource (HRS)/cost of employees conceivably rise to the most expensive part in fixed costs, however the drawbacks usually are ignored by traditional airlines (Laurie H. 006. POP 5). In other words, LLC is a conception that responds the lower cost to lower price. Southwest airline, one of the LLC Airline Company, has become a famous case learned by Ryan Air, Easy Jet and other Low-Cost Carrier, because Southwest airline reduced not only the cost in their human r esource department but also In many approaches Including cost of entertainment, cargo, meal and additional service (Hall, A. 2007 Completed In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of MM 5210 up).On the contrary, even though lower pricing cost seems logic, there are arguments claimed by gurus: Ryan Gannett (2012) doubted that there is a dramatic growth (182. 0%) in average of fuel per gallon from 2005 to 2011, passengers are frequently demanding equipment and services added to cabins. Can the constantly increased cost be covered by Southwest airline? However, according to the Flight Global Data Research Team (2013 Top 1 0: The Americas): Southwest Airline achieved number one (133. 2 Passengers per mile) of amount of sales in 2013 (Manuel A. H. And Steven N. W. 2013).Furthermore, International Air Transportation Association (DATA) published the newest rank In 2014: Southwest airline carried 115. 323 thousand passengers to e the champion as well. These methods help themselves becomi ng more competitive than Lorene companies and successful. Into the future, and this rise will put an ever greater strain on Southwest's already depleted margins. If oil prices are brought under control with certainty, then Southwest is a great investment; but until then, Southwest is Just too vulnerable to oil prices. Key point 2 An accurate price can support a company to increase their profit.In recent years airline, companies prefer to follow the dynamic price system to match the demands f customers, therefore airline companies define the most expensive airplane ticket on Friday night and the cheapest on Tuesday morning due to â€Å"Travel scheme† which is choose to travel on weekends then return on Sunday or Monday, regard this issue, airlines faced the problem: middlemen sell Open-Jaw tickets on weekends and buy Open-Jaw tickets on Tuesday. Open-Jaw ticket is â€Å"Return ticket† can be used in any time and separated in two single tickets to sell to two customers.T hese tickets tremendously declined the revenue when cheaper ticket was used in the peak period ND customers could buy another ticket in other airlines as well, it generate the affection: the Revenue, Coverage, Loading and Reputation. (Tim H. 2011). When others airline were used to follow dynamic price system, American Airline (AAA) announced â€Å"Saturday night stay over restriction† to against this risk. The restriction aims the problem that is caused by open-Jaw ticket on weekends (Tim H. 2011 IPPP). By using the methods, AAA are able to earn bonus as much as $500 million a year from sass.Despite decision is selected by passengers, The most important effects in dynamic price discrimination arise not from an attempt o extract more money from the consumer, but from addressing incomplete markets, and in particular from the value and costs of advance contracting. Key point 3 In the opposite, experts illustrated that the ticket price should be bundled with demand, due to the pr ice is decided by customers' demand (Diego E. 2013). Therefore, airline companies often need to consider the priority between price and loading in different timing.To be more precise, sometimes the asymmetric price might be caused by lower rate of loading (Manuel A. H. And Steven N. W. 2013). As a tater of fact, the lower demand shows the ticket price cannot be increased even in boom season; this is the reason why some gurus recommend finding the demands first and next defining price. However, the Price has to respond the fixed cost, hence airlines need to think increasing profit with Demand and Cost (Diego E. 2013). Nevertheless if the greatness of seats were released to sold in the day near the departure date, it is possible the high-risk will be faced is large amount of empty seat (Diego E. 013). Conclusion To sum up, this essay has shown that there are clear methodologies of using pricing tragedy in the airline industry of North America. As mentioned in my second reducing costs; moreover the case of Southwest airline proofs it in different approached, and the low-cost strategies help them to become the most popular airline in north America in 2013-14. Nevertheless, in the fourth paragraph, it indicates the significance of defining price with float system by legacy airline companies, because the different timing reflects different cost and factors.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Accountancy 2258

Written Macro Assignment Solutions True/False Questions. Read each statement carefully, and neatly write the word TRUE on the line next to the statement if you believe the statement is true, or neatly write the word FALSE on the line next to the statement if you believe the statement is false. FALSE1. Do†¦Loops are used in macros to repeat lines of code a specified number of times. TRUE2. The area where macro code is displayed in Visual Basic is called the Code Window. TRUE3. A macro name is not required when creating a private macro. TRUE4. When declaring a variable, Dim stands for â€Å"define in memory†. FALSE5.Objects, Variables, and Actions are used to write macro code. TRUE6. One way to create a new macro is to use Record New Macro. TRUE7. The If†¦Then†¦Else†¦End If code allows code to be conditionally executed depending on whether a specified logical condition has been met. FALSE8. The last line of code for a private macro should be End Private Sub. FALSE9. The formula for a user-defined function must be entered in quotation marks. TRUE10. A public macro/procedure is activated by the user pressing the shortcut keys or clicking on a button. Problems. Read each problem carefully and follow the instructions given. 1.Open up Excel. Go to Cell E9 and use the Name Box to name this cell â€Å"Winter†. Then go to the Developer tab on the Ribbon, and click on the Record Macro button in the Code group. Name your macro â€Å"Referencing† and give it a shortcut key of â€Å"R†. After clicking OK to close the Record Macro dialog box, do the following: †¢ Select Cell C7 using absolute referencing (do not select the Use Relative Reference button). †¢ Using the drop-down arrow to the right of the Name Box, select â€Å"Winter†. †¢ Click on the Use Relative Reference button in the Code group on the Developer tab to use relative referencing, and then select Cell A4. Click on Stop Recording button in the Code group on the Developer tab. After you have performed these steps, view your code in Visual Basic Editor, and answer the following questions: a. What code was written when you selected Cell C7 using absolute referencing? Range(â€Å"C7†). Select b. What code was written when you selected the cell named â€Å"Winter† using the Name Box drop-down menu? Application. Goto Reference:=†Winter† c. What code was written when you selected Cell A4 using relative referencing? ActiveCell. Offset(-5, -4). Range(â€Å"A1†). Select Remember that ActiveCell.Select is the basic format used when writing macro code using relative referencing. Also, please note that when writing out the VBA code to move from one cell to another using relative referencing (as we did above) the Range(â€Å"A1†) portion of the code is not necessary. It shows up automatically (as displayed above) when we are recording a macro and moving from one cell to the next using relative r eferencing, but if you are just writing out the macro code, you do not need to include that portion of the code. 2. Assume Cell B3 is the current cell you are in on your Excel spreadsheet.Write the appropriate VBA code to perform the following: a. Move from Cell B3 to Cell E8 using relative referencing ActiveCell. Offset(5,3). Select Note that I did not include Range(â€Å"A1†) before . Select, as this is not necessary (see my note above). b. Move from Cell B3 to Cell A1 using relative referencing ActiveCell. Offset(-2,-1). Select c. =Move from Cell B3 to Cell J10 using absolute referencing Range(â€Å"J10†). Select 3. Write the necessary code to define a variable in Visual Basic named Age to store whole numbers with no decimal places.Dim Age As Integer 4. Write the necessary code to define a variable in Visual Basic named Expenses to store dollar values. Dim Expenses As Currency 5. Write the necessary code to define a variable in Visual Basic named City to store text values. Dim City As String 6. Write the appropriate code to create a dialog box asking the user to enter their employee ID number. Give the dialog box the title ID. Your code should place the user’s response in Cell A5 on your worksheet. Then create a loop around your code that will loop while Cell A5 is blank.Do Range(â€Å"A5†). Value = InputBox(â€Å"Please enter your employee ID number†, â€Å"ID†) Loop While Range(â€Å"A5†). Value = â€Å"† 7. Assume the employee ID number entered in the above dialog box is expected to be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 99999. Rewrite your loop so it requires the user to enter a number that is equal to or between 1 and 99999. Do Range(â€Å"A5†). Value = InputBox(â€Å"Please enter your employee ID number†, â€Å"ID†) Loop Until Range(â€Å"A5†). Value >= 1 and Range(â€Å"A5†). Value 9999 and ActiveCell. Value

Assessment and Feedback Essay

Many of my lessons involve embedding literacy into a topic so it is more meaningful for the learners. There are various ways of assessing work which are used. One method that is used is initial assessment, where the learners at the beginning of their induction into our pre-16 program do an online BSKB initial assessment in Maths, English and ICT. This is to ensure that the learner is at the right level of learning. These tests are formative and convergent where choices of multiple choice questions give indications of gaps in the learner’s knowledge. Once the learner has  completed an initial assessment they are then given the diagnostic BSKB assessment to see what subject strengths and weaknesses they have. These learners tend not to have attended much school therefore it is difficult to assess the work they produce as very often little or no work is achieved. Assessment is about making a judgment to make sure that learning is taking place. It is about identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the learner so that the learner is progressing with the work that is set. Assessment in all forms that involve making a judgment and it includes an element of subjectivity by me. It should be objective, fair and transparent. It plays an important role in the education process as it determines the work students undertake and affects their approach to learning. There are varying degrees of assessment that are designed primarily to serve the purposes of accountability, or of ranking, or of certifying competence. However, an assessment activity can help learning if it provides information that I can use and can give students feedback. Feedback can be used to modify teaching and learning activities in which the learners are engaged in. Such assessment becomes formative when  the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching work to meet learning needs. Much of what teachers and learners do in the classroom is assessment based. Tasks and questions prompt learners to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills. How the learners respond and interpret this can give indications of how their learning can be improved. Verbal feedback and discussion tends to be the main method that I use where opinions can be discussed and attainment of knowledge can be assessed during lessons. This is classed as affective learning where topics can gain an emotional response or a tone of interest/values that the  learner may have prior knowledge or experience. These types of responses are 1 usually focused on the learner’s feelings, and they are often difficult to measure in quantifiable terms. However, in my classroom, I want the learners to feel that their work is valued and that the effort has been worthwhile. During lessons, informal assessment is the preferred choice for me and my pre-16 colleague as students are wary of tests or exams. The reason for this maybe the learner’s previous experience of learning or the fact that they feel vulnerable when the word test, exam or assessment occurs within the learning environment. Informal assessment is easily incorporated into classroom routines and learning activities. It can be used at any time without interfering with teaching. The results give indication of the learner’s performance on the skill or subject of interest. However, it is not intended to give a broader view of the learner’s ability apart from the lesson that took place. This is not to say that informal assessment is spontaneous or absent from accuracy. Formal tests assume a single set of expectations for all students and come with prescribed criteria for scoring and interpretation. Informal assessment, on  the other hand, requires a clear understanding of the levels of ability the students bring with them. Only then may assessment activities be selected that students can attempt reasonably. Measuring the validity and reliability of informal assessments is achieved by expected goals and objectives outcomes. Once the work is completed, I assess the knowledge that the learners have gained by their attempted completion of the tasks. Scoring procedures can be used to measure progress and achievement in content areas and literacy skills can be measured by oral, reading and written work. Reliability is a statistical measure of which we can trust the results of a given writing test. Reliability estimations and their interpretations will vary according to particular assessment contexts and purposes. In real practice, high score reliability is indeed necessary and feasible in large-scale assessment, where the actual tests are the main source of interpretable information. In more local contexts (e. g. classrooms), reliability measurements are to a great extent unfeasible and, simultaneously, other sources for qualitative evaluation are available. The work that the learners produced enabled me to assess their level of  understanding and also their literacy progress. Feedback was given in written format on the activity worksheet, to identify strengths and weaknesses of each individual 2 learner. All the learners attempted the worksheet and I gave feedback in the format of Petty (2004) medals and missions. Medals (sometimes called positive reinforcement) are given when the learner has done something well, such as spellings or written something in their own words although most of the learners just wrote down what was on the computer screen. This was what I commented on as missions where the learners need to improve, correct or work upon. Written tasks, alongside oral questioning, should encourage students to develop and show understanding of the key features of what they have learned. Opportunities are given during lessons for the learners to respond to comments made about their work and advice is given on what areas they are struggling on. The key point to feedback is for it to be effective and for the learners to think about the good and bad points in their work and that clear goals can be achieved. The negative aspect of feedback for disaffected learners is that low self-esteem influences their reaction to feedback. Building self-esteem and confidence is one of the main aspects in my classroom. Low self-esteem can knock confidence and ability and their previous experiences of learning can have a considerable impact on their academic ability. In this environment learners are in a vulnerable position and in some cases their low esteem can be forgotten by teachers due to distractions and challenging behaviour. The comments I make have to be sensitive and constructive so that the comments do not impact on the learner’s self-esteem and confidence. The comments are to be constructive and build on their learning capabilities. When I  ask the learners whether or not they understood the feedback given regarding their work, the learners give the appearance that they are not bothered about the feedback or acted disinterested. Students find the feedback messages hard to understand and complex in their meaning especially in the written form. However, when feedback is used as dialogue within the lesson it provides opportunities for feedback and feedforward. This is a good scenario as the learner responds to initial feedback with their opinions. This gives the chance for the teacher to help the learners develop their understanding and has an instant response in correcting  misunderstandings. Although, the response to verbal feedback regarding the learners knowledge, skills and understanding is feasible in the classroom, further development of feedback and feedforward is required so that the student can improve and grow in their 3 understanding of the subject and true learning has taken place. When I assess a learner this has an impact on my teaching. The feedback I get from the students gives me the opportunity to reflect on my practices and adjust accordingly so that the learners are engaged, focused and completing the tasks given during lessons. However, learners’ indifference to learning and feedback can cloud my judgement about what I am doing right or wrong. In my sessions I need to develop the dual narrative where the learners work together as a group but also there are one to one opportunities. This would work towards full differentiation where students are working independently but within a whole group setting. This has been difficult to achieve yet it is possible; progress has been made with the learners providing work that can be assessed verbally or written. However, it has taken six months to gain  trust, confidence and self-esteem of the learners to provide any work at all. Nonetheless, with a longer time restraint development of feedback and feedforward can be achieved. The learners need to see feedback as a reflection on their work not that it’s personal to them, the problem these learners face is to understand what feedback is and what its intentions are. The trouble is that once the disaffected learners arrive at Rathbone they already feel that school as failed them therefore feel disengaged with the learning environment. This can be a contributing factor to the way they feel towards assessments. The attitude towards motivating and engaging the learners towards learning objectives is a more social context. Therefore, the attitude of Rathbone and its staff is to gain confidence, trust and self-esteem so that learning is more enjoyable to them. This then becomes a platform for the learners to want to learn post 16. As their teacher, the environment is complex and challenging however I feel that the learners are starting to become aware of what is required of them in the classroom. This means that I am doing something right and that my assessments, judgement and feedback are starting to be acknowledged.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Women are Still Treated like a Minority in the Workplace Personal Statement

Women are Still Treated like a Minority in the Workplace - Personal Statement Example And progressively higher numbers of women are taking part-time positions which are associated with lower pay rates than men, even after other dynamics have been factored in. Women’s employment opportunities are highly concentrated in traditionally female-dominated careers which are usually the lower paid. Women continue to be under-represented in the better-paid positions within occupations. Qualified women are typically deprived of top-level employment in corporate organizations, but instead of calling it what it is, discrimination and sexism, this form of disproportionate treatment are called the ‘glass ceiling’ effect. Women certainly are expected to have to perform more work a man to maintain the same pay rate and a similar position. Despite greater than ever levels of labor market involvement, women are still not uniformly represented, particularly at senior positions within organizations. This includes those corporations that cater expressly to women consume rs. This plainly observable fact of business has been termed ‘the glass ceiling.’ The phrase refers to the â€Å"invisible, artificial barriers that prevent qualified individuals from advancing within their organization and reaching full potential† (Hewitt & Roche, 2003).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HCM621-0804A-01 Ethics, Policy, and Law in Health Care Management - Essay - 5

HCM621-0804A-01 Ethics, Policy, and Law in Health Care Management - Phase 3 Individual Project - Essay Example Several numbers of uninsured people have full or part time employment. In order to decrease the number of uninsured individual within the working classes, the insurance will be covering children who are uninsured and extend its coverage to their families. In order to address the number of children who are uninsured it is best to find ways how to lower the numbers. Responses to health crisis will need time, effort and strength, but the assurance of having health coverage to all especially the children is important. I am suggesting the following policies in order to address the crisis. First is to expand the Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP). CHIP is a US federal government program for families with children that gives funds to states to provide health insurance. The program was designed to cover uninsured children in families with incomes that are modest but too high to qualify for Medicaid. Second is to focus on individuals who are eligible for the program in their hometown and encourage them to enrol in the program. And to expand CHIP coverage and include the patents and families of the children enrolled in the program. The statistics shows that nearly 9 million children are uninsured and they come from the community where the p arents themselves are uninsured. Affordable health care option can be provided if they allow CHIP to extend its coverage to the parents. The extension would be beneficial to the children who would take the program. Children enrolled in SCHIP are entitled to regular checkups, immunizations, doctor’s visits and hospital care. Under SCHIP, states have the choice of expanding Medicaid, establishing a separate, stand-alone program, or combining these two approaches.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Scientific Lab Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scientific Lab - Research Paper Example nown B: It was likely to be Salmonella Typhimurium bacteria which is a typical nonspore-forming rods, facultative anaerobic, motile and negative, They ferment glucose and utilize citrate as carbon source and are lactose and sucrose non fermenters. These tests have been fully explored in the next section. With regards to the aim of the experiment, which is to identify unknown bacteria from mixed culture #18 using biochemical and morphological test, the two organisms identified had distinct characteristics which were looked for following laboratory tests. Normally, Gram staining is employed to differentiate 2 bacteria groups with different cell wall constituent. The method has the ability to differentiate Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria group; thus the bacterial cells are either colored red or violet. Gram positive bacteria is shown by Violet staining due to a thick layer of peptidoglycan existing in the cell wall of the bacteria, thus the crystal violet is retained by these cells on a slide. Consequently, Gram negative bacteria is shown by red staining due to a thin layer of peptidoglycan existing in the bacteria cell wall, hence crystal violet is not retained by bacterial cells. (Winn et al,2006) MacConkey Agar is used to distinguish Gram- negative, lactose-fermenting organisms from organisms that are non-fermentative .It is an inhibitory and differential medium that contains Crystal violets, bile salts, inhibitory agent and neutral red. Neutral red acts as a pH indicator. Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria is known to be lactose fermenters hence unknown A while Salmonella Typhimurium bacteria is not lactose fermentor thus unknown B. The orinithine decarboxylase test is important for Enterobacteriaceae differentiation. (MacFaddin, 2000).   MR-VP broth for Methyl Red test consists of peptone, phosphate buffer and glucose. The unknown bacterium that is able to perform mixed-acid fermentation generates enough acid that overcame the broth buffering

Friday, July 26, 2019

How lifes effect the Illegal Immigrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How lifes effect the Illegal Immigrants - Essay Example e like normal native people whereas illegal immigrants often use illegal channels for immigration which force them to live always under fear of the consequences. Being a secular democracy, America has opened their doors widely for most of the people from different parts of the country. Moreover, America is facing big manpower shortages in many fields which forced them to welcome more and more skilled professional from other countries. But most of the immigrants who immigrate to America through legal channels will try to bring their relatives and friends also through legal and illegal channels in order to exploit the possibilities in America. This paper briefly explains the life of illegal immigrants in America, based on two articles Tough-But-Fair Rules For Tomorrows Illegal Immigrants and When home is prison appeared on business week and T Don Hutto. Illegal immigrants always forced to live under the threats from the authorities. Many companies are giving employment to them in order to exploit them. Illegal immigrants would accept any type of jobs and they are ready to work for whatever the cheap salaries offered by the employer. Moreover, the employer doesn’t want to provide them any insurance coverage, accommodation facilities and any other incentives apart from the daily wages. In short, their living conditions would be pathetic compared to others in the society. The effects of illegal immigration are perceived differently by different people. Some people argue that illegal immigration is a blessing whereas some others are of the opinion that it is a curse to American people. â€Å"Many angry U.S. citizens rightly note that American business is rapidly legitimizing the residence of immigrants who have broken the law to enter or remain in the U.S† (Business Week). But their argument seem to be meaningless as many of the illegal immigrants are working only at the lowly paid sectors which an average American would never even think of. â€Å"Think farm work or

Thursday, July 25, 2019

No title page not yet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

No title page not yet - Essay Example Some shows can make people smarter because of their sophisticated plots and moral dilemmas. Like Johnson, I appreciate the fast-paced plots and realistic characters of 24. I know that Jack Bauer makes hard decisions, as he uses violence and deception to accomplish his goal of saving thousands of civilians. These kinds of TV shows compel people to think about multilayered meanings of intentions and interests that are present in everyday realities, and which can be more complex as people go up the levels of social and political institutions. Instead of predicting shows because of their repetitive formula plots, people cannot always determine what will happen next and they are strained to think more, so that they can understand the plot and characters. On the contrary, I do not agree that all TV shows follow the Sleeper Curve, if the audiences do not have critical and inference skills to start with. I do not believe that parents should allow children to watch shows that have high content of sex and violence. They do not have enough critical thinking skills to know what is right or wrong, and what is real and made-up. It is like a neighbor who likes 24 for its action content, but is not interested in making inferences about the plot and the people. Instead, I hear him saying that Muslims are mainly terrorists and that many immigrants are criminals. He does not have the skills to attain the Sleeper Curve as Johnson describes it. Instead of thinking better, he feeds on the stereotypes that the show presents. The Sleeper Curve is not true for all. It only applies to people who have critical thinking and logic skills. Present-day TV shows might be smarter, but unless people have developed their cognitive skills, they are not better off watching them. Sometimes, they are even worse off, if they use it to reinforce their prejudice

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Review Of ARM, Intel and the microprocessor industry in 2014 Essay

Review Of ARM, Intel and the microprocessor industry in 2014 - Essay Example tegies and sustainability operations with every influential factor of its external business environment, it lacks competitive advantage in attracting business customers from almost every dimension of the industry due to the exclusion of smaller corporate partners from the technology industry. Taking the advantage of this lacuna possessed by Intel, its rivals like AMD can be witnessed to grow powerful, obstructing the monopolistic power gained by Intel over the past decades. Intel (officially acknowledged as Intel Corporation), a globally renowned American semiconductor-chip manufacturing multinational, has witnessed significant rise in its demand around the various electronics companies, who are noted as its major strategic partners in the industry cluster (Haberberg & Rieple, 2008). However, with every opportunity, there come certain challenges, which are also apparent in the case of Intel, as on one hand, the company enjoys substantial lucrative growth opportunities and on the other, it is obstructed by rising competitive forces inhibiting its dominion on the industry cluster (Haberberg, 2014). It is in this context that scepticism develops surrounding the chances of an end to Intel’s long sustaining dominance on the market. Hence, examining Intel’s business environment and its current strategic positioning becomes crucial. Correspondingly, this report will aim at presenting a brief but insightful assessment of the business environment and strategies applied by Intel currently along with a critical strategic appraisal to conclude on the actual industry stance of the company and offer noteworthy strategic recommendations correspondingly. Buyer Power: As orders are accepted only in bulks by the companies in this industry, the bargaining power of buyers increases, facilitated with the characteristics of business-to-business dealings (Klepper, 2010). Again, availability of heterogeneous products also tends to limit buyers’ power in this industry, offering

HGPS Interface Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

HGPS Interface - Assignment Example Additionally, the system will find more appropriate routes to the destination of users, saving them a lot of money in the air pollution and in gasoline. The cars will therefore be safer in any condition of the weather. Business having larger outlet numbers like the utilities will manage the resources in an efficient manner thus reducing the cost of consumers. The Holographic Global Positioning System will offer the answers in facilitating all these concerns. The Holographic Global Positioning System will offer intelligent location of the vehicle and navigation information that will enable the users avoid freeway that is congested. Additionally, the system will find more appropriate routes to the destination of users, saving them a lot of money in the air pollution and in gasoline (Rabbany, 2002). The cars will therefore be safer in any condition of the weather. Business having larger outlet numbers like the utilities will manage the resources in an efficient manner thus reducing the cost of consumers. The Holographic Global Positioning System will offer the answers in facilitating all these concerns. A Holographic Global Positioning System is positioning systems for radios that will combine techniques of computer mapping in offering the three dimensional position, time information, and velocity it equip the user near the surface of the earth (Blaauw, 1976). The Holographic Positioning System is one of the major developments of wireless communication market (Prentzas, 2010). It is a crucial tool for surveying and map-making and has become one of the most important global utility that is cannot be dispensed for the modern navigation on land. The Holographic Global Positioning System is divided into three parts. The segment for users, control segment, and segment for space. The figure below shows the main components of Holographic Global Positioning System.The space has a space segment composing of GPS satellites that will

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Was Jesus Like Adam Before or After the Fall Research Paper - 1

Was Jesus Like Adam Before or After the Fall - Research Paper Example Each of the positions weighs greatly especially if one was to go by presentable evidence each side would produce. However, in the midst of this quagmire, Christians should not divorce their eyes and wisdom from the book of Ephesians 4: 21, â€Å"we should not depend not only our understanding of the work of Christ but also our understanding of the way of life expected from each of us as we seek the truth that is in Jesus†1. As a result, this research adopts a relatively divergent path from the two positions and postulates that the nature of Christ is both manifested by fallen and un-fallen nature of Adam. The un-fallen nature of Adam is characterized by sinless and un-separatedness from God, which Christ has. On the other hand, fallen nature of Adam is characterized by physical strength, mental power, and moral worth, which again Christ can be associated with2. Nature of Adam before the fall The bible describes the man God created and placed in the land of Eden as one created in God’s image. This man was Adam and as an image and spiritual creature of God, Adam possessed the image of God, which made him to remain connected to God. Adam’s original state was one of a sinless man who had favor from God. The sinless nature of this man was manifested through his purity and holiness, which made him to have an assured connection with God and at the same time, beloved by God3. Adam, in this state, was perfect and righteous. Adam in his original state is given noble powers by God as the head of earthly family who was to represent God and rule over other creatures. In this sense, the original Adam had God’s gift of well-balanced mind, he was perfect in his being and constantly in harmony with God. At the same time, his thoughts were largely pure and his aims had an element of holiness The notion of the image of God and Sin The sinless nature of original Adam is what God had wished man to live. The image of God (Adam) was to remain pure, was to remain perfect, and exhibit no propensity to sin. The sinless state was to put Adam in constant and unlimited communication with God in a special and privileged way as compared to other creatures. In other words, the sinless man was to remain representative of God glory and heritage. Adam obedience in God was to be uncompromised and this is what was required of him. Nevertheless, Adam profaned this sinless nature when through temptations became sinful. Adam through devil’s temptations became disobedient to God, pervert and selfish. Adam became weakened as a result of committed sin and he subsequently became a victim of devil, unable to resist the power of evil4. The special connectedness of Adam and God was weakened, communication violated and closeness disrupted. As a result, Adam became captive to Satan’s evils, unable to resist and hence it needed intervention of God to rescue His image (Adam). Adam and Eve committed sin and this was to become permanent transgressio n human being can be associated with especially with regard to consequential effects. Angel M. Rodriguez observes that Adam’s actions of sins became the fountain source in which human disasters and troubles emanated due to angered nature of God5. Punishment for Adam and Eve became an appropriate avenue God displayed His displeasure with human race and consequently the aftermath of this punishment befell the human race. Sin therefore became

Monday, July 22, 2019

Persuasive Letter Essay Example for Free

Persuasive Letter Essay The question of uniforms at school is becoming more pertinent to our society. Wearing a school uniform is a breach of children’s individuality and self expression. Everyone is unique and so making people wear a school uniform takes away their personality. May this be the reason which discourages them from performing to their full potentials? People believe that if students wore their own clothes they would get judged on how they look. However no matter, what you dress in, they will always find a way to pass judgement upon their peers. If it’s not based on the style of clothes you wear, there are many other superficial ways to judge people and form cliques. Uniforms don’t always ensure equality among students. They can actually encourage racism and rivalry between different schools. I tell you that for a fact that not wearing a school uniform actually decreases the number of detentions you get. You may think this sounds stupid, but it is true! Have you ever had one of those bad days where everything seems to go wrong? When something bad happens unexpectedly? Well I’m talking about my friend. The other day she got in trouble because her skirt was too high. Seriously if school uniform was abolished, it wouldn’t lead to this. Detention for such a pointless reason! No way. I surrender That friend was me! We all know that school uniforms are expensive. Uniforms make parent spend money unnecessarily. They tend to be more expensive than the daily clothes we wear, outside of school. Uniforms can cost a lot, especially when more than one child is attending school. Overall, I personally think that school uniforms should be abolished. Uniforms don’t let us express who we really are. They are expensive and often waste a lot of money, when children grow out of them. Please consider taking action on this vital issue. I would truly appreciate it if you would put some time and thought on this case and put my points into consideration.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Biochemical Importance of Water

Biochemical Importance of Water Water is often referred to as the universal solvent and without there would be no life on this planet. Its involvement is extensive from cellular processes in organism to providing a habitat for life. In this essay I will examine the reason for waters properties and how its properties allow for its vast involvement. A water molecule is comprised of 2 hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom. The oxygen forms 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals resulting in a tetrahedral shape. The sp3 hybrid orbitals come about from the overlap of the 2s orbital and the 2px, 2py and 2pz orbitals of the oxygen. Two of these hybrids then overlap with the 1s orbital of the hydrogens resulting in two covalent bonds. The other orbitals are occupied by the 2 lone pairs on the oxygen. The VSEPR (valence shell electron pair repulsion) theory states that electrons repel each other and as a result of this the electrons that surround an atom spatially arrange themselves maximising the distance between one another in the effort to reduce this repulsive effect1. However, lone pairs have a greater repulsive effect than valence electrons which results in the distortion of the angle by effecting the positions of the other electrons; this property accounts for waters shape being bent rather than tetrahedral and having a bond angle of 104.5Â ° rather than a tetrahedral angle of 109.5Â °1. Waters polar nature is contingent upon the difference in the electronegativities of its atoms. Oxygen has a greater electronegativity than hydrogen resulting in oxygen having a bigger pull on the electrons than the hydrogen. The result of this is an inductive effect where the electrons in the covalent bond being drawn closer to the oxygen. As a result of the inductive effect, the oxygen has a partial negative charge (ÃŽ ´-) while the hydrogens possess a partial positive charge (ÃŽ ´+) producing a polar substance. Waters polar nature allows for the formation of hydrogen bonds between one another. The partially positive hydrogen of one atom forms a hydrogen bond with partially negative oxygen of another water molecule. The partial charges on the atoms that make up water allow it to act as a solvent for ionic or polar substances. In the case of ions, the water can break bonds between one another to form ion-dipole bonds as well as dipole-dipole bonds5. The charge of the ion attracts the opposite charge on the water and is surrounded by the solvent molecules forming either one or more hydration shells. Certain biological molecules possess both polar and non polar regions. The polar regions are said to be hydrophilic and will interact with the solvent through hydrogen bonding. The non polar regions are unable to form hydrogen bonds with the water and therefore are unable to interact with it. The water is said to have a hydrophobic effect2 upon these non polar molecules as they interfere with the hydrogen bonding between water molecules. These biological molecules position themselves so that the orientation of the hydrophilic head faces outwards into the solvent while the hydrophobic tail points inwards away from the solvent. Examples of this process would be the micelles, which position themselves so that they form globules and bilayers where they position themselves so that there are two layers of hydrophilic heads pointing outwards into the solvent on either side with the tails conjugating in between. The bond strength of hydrogen is weak comparatively, it is approximately 20 kJ mol-1 compared to 460 kJ mol-1 for the covalent bond between the oxygen and the hydrogen3. Although hydrogen bonds are weak individually they have a cumulative effect. Due to the vast number of intermolecular hydrogen bonds in water, water has a high specific heat capacity for its molecular weight (4.18 J K-1 g-1)5 meaning waters able to absorb a substantially high value for heat and as a result the temperature increase is minimal4. This is what makes water an effective temperature buffer. Water spreads the energy from the thermal increase across the entirety of its system; this is the reasoning behind why water is used by organisms to regulate their temperature. Sweat is comprised of water and salt, due to waters high specific heat capacity it requires a lot of energy to evaporate the sweet off the body6. The thermal energy generated by the body is used to evaporate the sweat which in turn cools the body down. This principle also explains why water can exist in liquid forms and allows for the existence of oceans, lakes, etc. Waters existence as a liquid is vital to existence of life. Osmosis is the movement of water from a region of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a semi permeable membrane. If animal cells were surrounded by an aqueous environment which differs in water potential from their own it could result in cell shrinkage or bursting. In an effort to prevent this, the cells are immersed in an aqueous solution with a similar osmotic potential to that in the cell (isotonic). An example of where osmosis plays a large part in biology is in homeostasis. Water regulation in the body is controlled by the osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus of the brain. The low levels of water in the blood cause these cells to shrink due to osmosis; this causes neurosecretory cells to release the hormone ADH (anti-diuretic hormone)7. Controlling the levels of ADH controls the permeability of the collecting duct, in the liver, to water and thereby controlling the levels of water in the blood and subsequently the body. Each water molecule forms four hydrogen bonds with 4 other water molecules. Although these water molecules dont stay constantly bonded to each other, reorienting every 10-12 s 3, the extensive network of these bonds results in a large cohesive force holding water together. This is vital for the role water plays for transpiration in plants. When water evaporates and leaves through the stomata a water gradient causes the water to be pulled up the xylem. The water molecules above drag the ones below it due the bonds between them. Waters adhesive properties also play a role in this as it gives water the ability to overcome the gravitational force acting upon it through the adhesion between the water and the cell walls in the xylem. Water is used inside complex organisms to break down macromolecules into their sub units. One of the hydrogens of the water is added to one substituent while the hydroxyl group in water is added to the other sub unit. This process is therefore known as hydrolysis. This is important in terms of converting long term storage of carbohydrates, such as glycogen in the body and starch in plants, into short term carbohydrates used in metabolism. The reverse of this process is known as dehydration. When monomers come together to form polymers, the hydroxyl of one and the hydrogen of the other leave giving rise to a polymer. An example of this would be the reaction between amino acids to form proteins, the hydrogen on the amine group and the hydroxyl group of the carboxyl group on the other. Water plays a role in respiration; it cleaves a phosphate off ATP, energy currency of cells, to give ADP and energy for respiration. Waters is produced from the combining of hydrogen ions, electrons and oxygen in oxidative phosphorylation. The significance of this is, the formation of water allows the process to continue7; if water didnt form then cell death would follow. For instance, cyanide inhibits the formation of water from oxidative phosphorylation7. In photosynthesis, water replenishes the electrons lost by the reaction centre. The hydrogen ions of water pass through the channel in the stalk particle providing the energy for phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. The oxygen that is left combines with another to form O2 and is used in cellular respiration. Water contributes to buffering changes in pH in organisms. It combines with carbon dioxide to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate. All these processes are reversible in both directions. This allows it to act as a buffer. If the pH increases the carbon dioxide and water react to form carbonic acid which, in turn, dissociates to release hydrogen ions, which decrease the pH, and bicarbonate6. The reverse occurs for a decrease in pH. In conclusion, the significant processes that water is involved in are due to its polarity and its ability to form hydrogen bonds.

Nation As A Myth Is India A Myth History Essay

Nation As A Myth Is India A Myth History Essay The dictionary definition of Nation is: A group of people who share the same culture, ethnicity and language, often possessing or seeking its own independent government. When one looks at this definition and then re-thinks about it for the Indian prospective, The first thing that come to the mind is either there is something remarkably wrong with the definition, as India has is a combination of a plethora of cultures, ethnicities and languages or hence is a complete misfit for being termed as a Nation or there is something wrong in the way with the way the world understand what a Nation is. Basically the whole concept of nation is an imaginary concept. Its never possible that people will be influenced by the same likes of culture or ethnicity. A human mind tends to deviate from what normal around it to explore new things, when a group of people live together by the will or by virtue its called a society. Each member of the society is unique, He might not be there purely because of his will to be there, But might be compelled to be there because of various factors. This might be financial, Social, And Family or lack of other options. We cannot interpret that the individuals staying in the society are part of the culture or adhere to the same ethnicity. The chances of them being there by choice is as good as for them being there by choice. Now taking the concept of a society to a broader target, it gives us a few foundation pillars towards the concept of a Nation. Although people might be a part of it, but its not necessary they want to be there. They mostly are there, because either the decision to be there was taken on their behalf by their Elders (in case of a partition or plebiscite), by their Leaders (Again a leader is not one which represents everyone but a majority) or they belonged to the land from birth. The concept of Nations is elaborated as expressed more much more complex than it was ever thought to be. As put in new literature by many writers, Nations is an imaginary concept and hence should be distinguished in the way they are imagined. The fact is, the concept of a nation is more of an idea; its an idea of people from a common culture and values, their desire and will towards freedom. We had been reading from the text books for ages that Unity in Diversity is what India stands for as a nation. But the whole idea of India as a nation is been criticized much because of its failure to become a single unified Nation state in the likes of Germany (after the East Germany and West Germany) and Japan. One can also claim that India has done much better in terms of keeping the minor states together, unlike the rest of Europeor the far gone USSR which are now divided into various small states. The Indian nation reflects the counter of the Europe small countries that were homogeneous when considered in terms of population and culture, England, Germany and France to name a few. Even Islamic nations like Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia were let down when it came to a concept of Nations and ended up in military dictatorship or medieva l style monarchies. India as a Nation: The nation state idea never worked for India, because of it size and diversity. For others like Europe, they had to work hard to suppress their divisions and prejudice the idea of nationhood. India also fails to stand as a nation unlike other Nations is because India set out for a democratic model, whereas the other nations were on imperialistic rule and not an integrated culture encompassing the subcontinent. Diversity in India adds to the failure of idea of the Indian Nation: India with it diversity has failed as a nation right from the formation of India as an independent country. Firstly the formation of the Islamic nation of Pakistan, Then the Issue of Kashmir, The North-East, The khalistan Movement, The recent show downs from Telangana, Gorkhanland etc. India had been suffering at the hands of the minor states, and in order to maintain a nationwide feel, has been dealing with them by avoiding the issue till the very last stage when any further push will result in a crack in the complete National structure and then bending down to the demands. Not to mention after a heavy disrupt and unnecessary bloodshed. The idea of the Nation of India chronologically speaking has never been a single State. History has its records that all those who tried to keep India as unified states failed in their endeavours weather it may be the King Ashoka or Alexander. What these great rulers identified in this land was that the diversity of its origin and existence is not only trivial to capture but to keep united in public interest is a herculean task. Yet, India emerged as a golden bird in the early 16th Century and attracted a lot of unwanted attention from other Nations. The British came to India for trade and sighted an opportunity to take charge as the nation was spread in forms of small princely states rather than as a Nation. It took our leader decades in the struggle for freedom, And the first thing that was set to harbinger the lack of National interests post independence was the partition of Pakistan and the formation of East and West Pakistan. The Indian political leaders had sleepless nights try ing to put a map in place for the unified princely states in India. Pivotal role of Indias Freedom: When the labour party in England won the elections, their chief agenda of decision of discontinuation of the British Empire in India, Different communities in India started demanding of India as a free state or as a State of States. It was for the United National Congress will that they 562 princely states became a part of India. But not all the states were happy for this, As a result of this political decision, there were riots between Hindus and Sikhs and Hindus and Muslims. The demand for Hindu State from the Hindu Mahasabha, The demand for Sikh State in Punjab, The Dravidians in South India, The Tamil State and the issue with Hyderabad and Kashmir who cited independence. All the demands for separate states were demands from the political parties as they saw an opportunity to have the power of the land and also to gain maximum benefits for themselves and their followers from the same. The formation of Pakistan, Added fuel to the already heated demands for separate States, and the feeling of discontent with India as a Nation started to fade even before it was established. India then was ruled by Indian National Congress and Pakistan was governed by The Muslim League. Whereas the other stated were pleased by giving them individual power in their own regions. A total of 25 states were created post independence to feed the political hunger of those regions. This set out the lifeless frame of the Indian Nation which was more of a compromise of State wise governing rather than a nationwide government. The other discontent states in the likes of Telengana, Gorkhaland, Kashmir and others were still left unanswered. And since then the issues have been kept avoiding till the time when avoidance resulted in further blows to the so called nationalism in the country. India has never been in a nationalistic phase, the fragmentation in India occurs due to the political will. Where a particular political party keeps fragmentation or demand for a separate ruling state as an agenda to come to power. And its not related to some minority areas which have a low impact on India, But India faces the pull from all directions and every corner with a demand for a separate state. In 2002 the then in power political party had to make way for three more states in order to fulfil the political appetite of the political parities of the concerned regions. But the government always fails to find a solution to the problem; In 2002 the government took the steps to avoid any more drama on the topic but indirectly ignited the sentiments of the political parties from other regions who have been fighting for a separate state. The Gorkhas with their issue for Gorkhaland, The Telangana issue which has been hot for a long time now, the demand for Bundelkhand, The demand for Saurashtra etc. Were reignited and the political parties got afresh agenda to create havoc. History and Social Issues of India as a Nation: This political view is not just challenged on the basis of Region, But also on the basis of Religion, Caste, Race and Language. With the political drama in Maharastra for the Marathi Manus has been a nuisance. Which is nothing more than a agenda to capture vote bank in the political parties there. The essence being, the parties capitalize of the fact that the people there have a lack of view of nationality and have a clearer picture and identification in their own culture and language. And believe that they first are Marathis, (or Tamils or Gorkhas for that sake) then Indians. Apart from the political views clash on basis on Regionalism and Language, issues which shake the will of India as a nation have been as pity as Interstate disputed over Water and Territorial boundaries, Caste Related violence, Naxalism are a few to name. Partition of Pakistan: Taking the case of The Myth of India as a nation has been punctured right from the formation of India post independence, ending up with two different countries, India and Pakistan (East and West). Till date it remains to be a major issue and the scars of which continue to haunt us in the form of the battle for Kashmir which started in 1947 and continues till date with no solution in site. Both the involved parties believe its a part of their territory because they believe that its more closer to their culture and hence should be a part of their territory. But what they fail to see is that the case of plebiscite never came to discussion. India and Pakistan both have been having a hard nut with their own internal issues, Pakistan with the disputes and killing between the Shia and Sunni tries in the name of superior race, On the other hand India with the issues like Marathis and Biharis, Hindus and Muslims , Hindus and Sikhs etc. Both are not able to handle either existing states and wi sh to take another disputed state to their bag. The idea for India and Pakistan was not from the people of the respective groups but were driven by the political leaders of the groups. These leaders made the people belief that the only way of growth and progress of their community is via a separate nation only. A decision which they all repented later in life. At the time of partition when Indians started the quest for India to have and nationality was more than a requirement, and ended up being a matter of pride. This was the time when the Hindus and Muslims started having a desire for a nation. The sense of nationality could have existed without the desire for having a separate nation. North East: The North Eastern states face a similar issue when it comes to the sense of Nationality. They are a part of India, But how often have there been uprising from the North East fronts in demand for a separate land, The ULFA in Assam, The Gorkhas in the regions around Darjelling etc. The reasons why these states have always been a trouble for the centre is because of the lack of importance that the North Western Indian front is given over the decades. The political parties in order to control the vote bank gave citizenship to immigrants from Bangladesh, Which further boiled the anger of the region. These regions have never thought of India as a country but as a power at Centre which is to be followed. Hence to the North East the concept of nation comes from chance and not by choice. The mudslinging continues as the nation says that these states dont tend to treat them as part of India and the states believe that they are treated as foreigners in India, So why not be a separate nation. Rest of India they dont believe in North Eastern as Indians: They are often referred as Chini or Chinkis and are treated as foreigners. The Nagas in Nagaland believe they are a separate nation and consider rest of Indias as foreigners and always believed they were included in India against their will. Arunachal Pradesh has been confused which country they do belong to India or China. And as both the countries have been fighting on this front, Arunachal Pradesh believe they need a solution to their long standing problem now. This is just as big as the Kashmir issue but is never addressed. Khalistan Movement: The Sikhs wanted a land of their own right from the India freedom struggle. These unmet demands were outburst in the form of the state of Punjab during the Khalistan movement. The demand for a separate state by Bhindranwala, the ironic leader who demanded a separate land for Sikhs lead to further shows of why the concept of Indian nation is a political will rather than a cross culture believe. Telangana: Again when the case of Telangana was addressed, the issue that the political leaders brought up to the surface was the suffering and they believe they had nothing to lose in the battle. But a battle? With their own country, their own motherland, well this is because of the fact that for them the mother land in Telangana and not India. The leaders and the followers believe that since their issues are not addressed by the Indian government, its better to be on their own. The factor that the political parties capitalise to come to power is that they assure the formation of a new state in case they come to power. They capitalise on the vote bank, and then to gain more direct power and control follow their promises to ask for a separate state. This is negotiated till the time the elasticity permits. With the regionalism of politics, race and language, there are other sectors also that get affected. The long standing delusion of patriotism is now being replaced by the new found jingoism. This is not only evident from the uproars of the states but can easily be read even from the number of TV channels for specific states. Various Incidences in recent times: Attacks as the one triggered by MNS and Shiv Sena on the North Indian candidates for the All India Railway recruitment board entrance in West region in Mumbai shows how much politics goes into everything. The plot was to dent the feeling of India as a nation to Marathis, and to reinforce the power of Marathis in the state of Maharastra over the feeling on India as a nation. The anti Tamil riots in Karnataka in 1991, the attacks which mainly took place in Bangalore and Mysore was to show the disrespect against the orders of the Cauvery Water Tribunal appointed by the Government of India. Again a matter where Region over Nation. The various other cited examples include The attack on North Indians in Maharastra and the referring on Biharis as outsiders in Delhi by the Chief Minister of Delhi are clear depictions that the integrity is more towards regions rather than nations. So what is the point then of being in the essence of a nation? The answer is simple, To keep a central authority. Which also comes from a combined political view, But as we have seen from time to time, This tends to dilute and the comfort of regionalism overpowers the feel of nationalism. The being of India as a nation is more of a will from the political fronts, where the views of nationalism are intact only till the point when it does not clashes with any other major interest. The interest may be related to religion, region, caste or other social issues. As soon as a political agenda is created out of the same, the skeleton of India is ruptured. These ruptures not only make a mark at the time of the impact but also leave significant scars which are exploited time and time again based on the political requirements of the regional or nationalist parties The Failure of the State: The idea of India as a nation is clashes with the regional identity, Any political demand for statehood, or sub-statehood, when demonstrates identifiable support from masses clearly state the lack of Indian nationalism. The emergence of the various ethnic nations in India e.g. Bengali, Sikh, Gujarati, Manipuri, or Tamil have taken shape and protect their ideology with stronger support for their regions rather than the nation. The support is derived from the followers who put their region first to their Nation. And for them being a part of India is just a mere way of recognition till the point they get a identity of their own. The regional and sub regional accommodation of identity in India have served to weaken the bases of political secessionism and secessionism and separatism while not defeating the principle of internal self determination of nation. The concept of India as nation was never there in the essence of purity; It lacked the vigour and desire, and came into being as a way out of the then impossible structure of princely states structure. But, the political figures try to hold it together, and time and again, are faced by the protest when people decide that their individual or community interest is superior to that of the nation. This individualistic feeling of superiority than the nation has always been into India, right from when the states were asked to join in the Union of India. The existence of India as a nation in itself a myth, If given a chance, there will be a handful who will not be willing to have a state or sub state like the Europe or former USSR. Europe failed through history in uniting as a subcontinent, though some attempts in this direction were made (for example, Napoleon).   The only country of comparable size that has better succeeded than India through history in maintaining its unity as a country is China. But even China never had so much diversity as India. But still India is better off from the modern Europe with their nationalistic phase, when every Indian state will start functioning as different countries or starts regarding them as different nations all together. The foreign ruler ship prevented this from happening. Hopefully Indian political will would keep the Indian national interest at priority for a more stable time to come and help India avoid the European nationalistic phase.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Women and the Agricultural Revolution Essay -- essays papers

Women and the Agricultural Revolution Elise Boulding in her article, Women and the Agricultural Revolution, argues that women played a key role in initiating the Agricultural Revolution. She defines the revolution as happening within two stages: horticulture and agriculture proper. Women had a prominent role within the earlier form, horticulture. Horticulture is defined as farming for subsistence only.Women’s roles on the farm were not as dominant as society grew to farming for surplus instead. Boulding begins the article by discussing the shift society made from wandering nomads to settled villagers. She explains that it was women who recognized that plants could be easily domesticated. It was because of the domestication of plants that people decided to eventually settle down. In doing so, the early settlers exchanged the fairly simplistic nomadic life to that of a hard-working farmer. Throughout the essay, Boulding emphasizes the role women played in initiating this revolutionary shift. She describes the main duties women had and the status they held within a horticulture society. However, this changed as the purpose of farming shifted to agriculture proper. According to Boulding, women’s influence on the Agricultural Revolution began very early on. Women had recognized the significance of einkorn, a nutritious plant that was easy to cultivate. It was because of women recognizing that plants could be domesticated that nomads were introduced to farming....

Friday, July 19, 2019

Customer Needs Essay -- Business and Management Studies:

Customer Needs In order to satisfy customers and to gain repeat business, it is essential that Morrisons satisfies their customer’s needs. Morrisons do this by providing the best customer service possible and offering customers with their wants and needs. By providing the best services for customers will align to high profits and a well-known and liked business for Morrisons. This will gain customer loyalty and ensure that they shop repeatedly at Morrisons. The different customer’s needs are: - product information - after sales service - response to queries - range of products - refunds and exchanges - response to complaints - response to orders - signs and advertising. PRODUCT INFORMATION Product information is demanded by customers because they want to gain an awareness of what they are buying. Product information is vital because it informs customers of what products consist of and also how to set up appliances. Product information is important for customers when they purchase electrical appliances. For instance, if a customer was to purchase a TV, they would need information which notifies the customer on how to use the appliance and what this appliance does as well as stating how to connect the TV in the right way and informing what the different buttons on the remote control does. If there is no product information, customers could be distracted because they may become wary to spend their money. Customers demand a bargain and would like to comprehend what they are buying. Product information is vital for a customer when they are purchasing products other than appliances, like food. For instance, if a customer was buying a pie, they would expect to see product information such as, ingredients, methods of cooking or heating and nutrition information. Ingredients are important for all customers because of their preferences, religion, diets and foods that are fit for their consumption. Some consumers may not like apples. Therefore, they would read the ingredients to see whether the pie contains apples because they would not purchase apple pies. Due to religion Muslims and Jewish customers would only eat certain types of foods. Muslims will only halal meat because Islam permits them to only eat this because it has been slaughtered in a special way. Jewish people will only ea... ...SPONSE TO ORDERS Although Morrisons do not provide online shopping, it is likely that they will have to respond to orders. For instance, if a customer wants to buy a Heinz Baked Bean can and they were all out of stock, Morrisons will tell the customer when they will order more cans. The customer expects the order to be placed quickly and will want to see the baked beans in the Morrisons store quickly and within the time scale Morrisons had informed. SIGNS AND ADVERTISING Morrisons advertise on television, billboards, leaflets through the post and in shop windows. They make customers aware of the products they offer and highlight what the bargains are e.g. buy one get one free. Around the Morrisons store there are signs indicating where products can be found which makes it easier for customers to shop. Hanging from the ceiling and are clearly visible are signs that informs shoppers of the different sections e.g. groceries, health & beauty and home & leisure. Under the names of the different sections are headings e.g. tinned foods, baby products and videos. This is so that customers know there way around the store and can quickly and easily locate products.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Repaying Kindness Essay

There is a saying that goes like this-‘Be kind to unkind people – they need it the most’. I for one believed it to be utter nonsense.for me it was ‘one for one’s self’. Ever since is remember i was passed from one foster home to another,never really belonging anywhere†¦nothing was black or white in my life. every thing was decorated in different shades of grey. As soon as I was old enough I packed everything and rushed out to face the world on my own.but something good came out from my earlier misery. The little ten year old I’m proud to call my sister. For me she was everthing. All the work I did,all the trouble I went through was for her. Never taking help from others because I alone wanted to be everything she needed. But when she got diagnosed with cancer ,I knew I would not be enough.but I was still too proud to cry out for help. I’ve already learned that crying out for help goes unanswered. But by some miracle ,this time a kindness from god ,without me even asking ,was granted in the form of a man; my employee. Mr. Ilhum ,my employer was a jolly fat man with a beer belly. Although he was almost fifty,his only child was an eight year old boy. His wife died at was really a sad case .from what I heard,they had been trying for a child for over 8 week after Susane , my sister was diagnosed, he quite accidently found out the doctor’s report . to say he was shocked would be quite an inderstatement.from then on he took over and had susane admitted .money was of no concern to him. When I once asked why he was doing it he said,every one deservers to live their life .according to him he wasn’t doing as any us favours but he was doing something any m,an would do. Yeah right. I am pretty sure there is no one else as crazy as him. Still I wasn’t about to question his sanity,after all , he was saving my sister. Due to susane’s cancer being caught at an early stage, the treatments were able to make her better and in no time,he was back to her old life. Every thing was fine again,but at the back of my mind,the question always remained; how do I ever repay such a kindness?After about a month or so the answer soon came to me when I saw the fire dancing around his house. I was working in the outside garage when I heard shouts .but was got to me the most was the cry of a child. It was filled wit such terror that it send shivers down my spine.forgetting all about my work I rushed towards the  house, I was consumed with horror. What a sight! The two storey white house was no longer a happy picture,but a flaming ball of fire. What was worse was that all the people standing around and trying to put off the fire could see the little boy crying hysterically from the second window,but no one went to help him. Forget about repaying any kindness,all that was going throughmy mind was his crying face. After that everything was hazy due to the huge amount of adreline rushing throught me.but I do remember seeing the relief on the child’s face when I scooped him in my arms. As soon as I got out, the firemen rushed at me wit wet blankets and put me in a stretcher. Mr.Ilhum was standing next to my,with his hands on another stretcher ,tears running freely from his eyes. It was then that I registered that the little boy was his. As the morphine started working it was hard to stay awake,but I do remember the words â€Å" that was one heck of a way to repay a kindness,now I owe you one.†

Childhood Obesity in America

sisterhood Obesity in America Ashford University side of m tire Com office II ENG 122 Professor Harmon June 4, 2012 peasantishness Obesity in America childhood fleshiness is an substantial give away because of the app eithering magnitude that this ailment has reached in the g nonp beil some eld. Comp bed to other threats to childrens intimatelyness, childhood corpulency has begun to rise tremendously. Certain genetic factors diametric with changing manner styles and cultures start out produced children who argon for the closely crack up non as respectable as race were just a few decades ago. gibe to Berg (2004), 15% of American children argon expectant three times as numerous as thirty years ago and another 15% be at risk for intemperateing. The treatment and cake of childhood fleshiness argon considered the function of individual children and their parents. Parents of cogent children are left over(p) in a difficult position of fearing for the s ocial and wellness consequences of their childs corpulency, and fighting a losing battle against the powerful presence of the media and unalter able exposure to un sun-loving foods.It has been said that breast cater harbors children from be fat or overweight many throng believe that establishing tidy dietetical behaviors must begin archean in childhood. Mothers impoverishment education and support in firm feeding and mealtime practices as part of a multi strategy response that targets early feeding as one potenti entirelyy modifiable approach (Horodynski, Baker, Coleman, Auld, & Lindau, 2011, p. 582. ) Whether breastfeeding is protecting against the join on of children who are overweight and obese frame a topic of dispute.Although a fare of evidence indicates that breastfeeding lowers the risk of corpulency, these results are by no involves final. The Center for malady Control and Prevention (2012) states, in the joined States, while 75% of mothers start disclose breastfeeding, sole(prenominal) 13% of babies are solo breastfed at the end of 6 months. Does that mean that at the age of 6 months children are already falling into the category of world overweight? numerous studies have been done, one in particular where nearly 300,000 participants, showed that breastfeeding consistently reduced risks for overweight and obesity.The greatest justification is seen when breastfeeding is exclusive (no formula or solid state foods) and continues for more than three months (calcium WIC draw, 2006, p. 2. ) The California WIC Association states that on that point are some(prenominal) accomplishable reasons for the protective effect of breastfeeding against obesity, they are ? Breastfed infants whitethorn be better at self-activating their intake. Mothers cant see how some(prenominal) draw their child is drinking, so they must rely on their infants behavior, not an empty bottle, to signal when their infant is replete. Thus, breastfed babies might be better able to eat only as more as they need. Breastfed infants are more promising than formula-fed infants to study and to accept impudently foods. word sense of new foods is definitive because a healthy diet should include a vast variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Because breast milk contains flavors from foods eaten by the mother, breastfed infants are exposed to a variety of tastes very early in life. In contrast, infant formula of all time tastes the same. ? Breastfeeding has different effects than formula feeding on infants metabolism and on hormones much(prenominal) as insulin, which tells the body to store fat.Formula-fed infants incline to be fatter than breastfed infants at 12 months of age. different studies have shown that breast milk is more assimilable then formula and that is wherefore breastfeeding is better. According to Eiger (1999), in recent years victualists have voiced annoying somewhat overly high levels of protein in the American diet. Since cows milk contains just near in two ways as much protein as serviceman milk, formula-fed babies usually receive more protein than they need (much of it in the form of the less digestible casein).The stools of formula-fed babies are so bulky because the babies cannot steep so much protein, and excrete the unneeded in their stool, whereas breast-fed babies absorb closely 100% of the protein in human milk. According to the CDC, reports that the percentage of young people in the U. S. considered overweight has more than tripled since 1980. There has been a corresponding rise in the incidence of type 2 diabetes, a disease linked to overweight and obesity and in one case seen only rarely in children and teens. It is like a shot widely accepted that being breastfed elps protect babies from becoming overweight or obese later in life (WEBMD, 2006, para. 5. ) Although there have been several look intoes and studies done, there is relieve no proof that bre astfeeding can uphold reduce the risk of childhood obesity. A year later more explore was done with roughly 35,000 participants. The conclusion to that research was that there was no link at all to breastfeeding and childhood obesity. Although breastfeeding protects a child from many things very early in life, it does not seem to protect against obesity through adolescence to handsomehood.Boyels (2007) states that breastfeeding is veritablely encouraged, and has many confident(p) consequences for both mother and child. provided it should not be promoted as a rootage for either the childhood or adult obesity epidemic. Because of the lack of information linking breastfeeding to obesity, it is immediately said that the cause for obese and overweight children is lack of physical activity, lack of healthy foods in schools, advertising of unhealthy foods on television and billboards, limited access to healthy affordable foods, and limited access to gumshoe places for children to play.puerility obesity became a very important issue many years ago when the tally of obese children rose. It has been said that, among children and adolescents ages 2 to 19, obesity tripled between 1980 and 2002 and more in front long when First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled the white-hot House Child Obesity trade union movement Force action plan resolution the Problem of Childhood Obesity at bottom a Generation. In the view of most doctors, these statistics are cause for concern because obesity is generally associated with increased risks for many diseases as well as premature finis (Obesity Epidemic, 2010, para. . ) All of these health risks can be avoided if parents would communicate with their children about what they should and should not be eating. Children learn from their parents about what to eat and why it is important to eat certain foods. Breastfeeding is important to form a bond between mother and child, there have been many studies done to try and prove that bre astfeeding a baby give help reduce the risk of obesity solely all have produce up with different results.There are several solutions to this epidemic, parent need to talk with their children about what foods are good foods and what rotten foods are, fruits are always a good selection and something that children love. Allot all children to a certain amount of TV time, 1 to 2 hours max, too much television is bad and allows them to just sit around insideng nothing. take into account children to run around and play, inside or outside, exercise is a good thing. Many children do not get affluent exercise which contributes to obesity. Look into healthier foods at schools and child care centers.This is where children spend a majority of their time. It is important that they have good, healthy foods to choose from. Lastly give children wet instead of sugary drinks. Along with the testimonial previously listed and many listed online, there are many ways to help with the barroom of ob esity. Berg (2004) stated that the seven secure and unproblematic guidelines for raising healthy weight children are 1. renormalise activity 2. Normalize eating 3. relief sound nutrition 4. Feel good about oneself 5. go through feelings 6. Feel good about others . Balance the dimensions of wellness Following seven simple guidelines can help reduce overweight and obese children from becoming overweight and obese adults. Although obesity impacts lots of peoples lives in todays society, seeing people pass forward from a preventable disease like obesity, in a world full of motivation and exercise is heart breaking. liveliness a healthy, get togethering life style is important to a persons well being. All parents need to work in concert to decrease the number of obese children before this epidemic gets worse.Obesity in children is a very serious issue and should not be taken lightly many people do not take this issue as serious as they should be. Whether it is breastfeeding a baby or feeding a child the right foods, adults need to fulfill their jobs as parents towards their children. That means being a good role model for all children at all times. Children need to be taught and shown how to live a healthy lifestyle so they do not have to worry about having any health conditions now or in the future. The only people that can help these children are their parents.Every day the number of obese children increases, it is a sad but true statement. But by following the appropriate step and working together with children, the childhood obesity rate will slowly but surely go down. A childs health should be the number one priority in all familys life. It is important to eat aright and exercise, a childs life could depend on it. When it comes down to it, breast-feeding could have a slight effect against obesity and that is supported by the epidemics evidence, but all of the research and data are quiet down controversial.Since breastfeeding has many benefits, no ba d effects, and has no cost, it may signify a new and efficient way to satisfy the dramatically rising occurrence of obesity in the United States and elsewhere. However, its effects against childhood obesity still have to be substantiate and clarified. Till then it is the parents responsibility to communicate and educate their children. References Berg, F. M. (2004). nonaged & Overweight Americas Childhood Obesity Crisis What Every Family Needs to Know. consume Disorders, 497-499. oi 10. 1080/10640260500297333 Boyles, S. (2007). Breastfeeding and Later Obesity. Retrieved from http//www. webmd. com/parenting/baby/news/20070424/breastfeeding-and-later-obesity California WIC Association. (2006). www. calwic. org Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). www. cdc. gov/obesity/childhood/problem. html Eiger, E. S. , & Olds, S. W. (1999). The Complete record book of Breastfeeding. New York, NY Workman Publishing Co. , Inc.. Horodynski, M. A. , Baker, S. , Coleman, G. , Auld, G. , & Lindau, J. (2011).The rose-cheeked Toddlers Trial Protocol An Intervention to nullify Risk Factors for Childhood Obesity in Economically and Edcationally Disadvantaged Populations. BMC Public Health, 11(1), 581-587. doi 10. 1186/1471-2458-11-581 Obesity Epidemic. (2010). In Culture Wars An cyclopaedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices.. Retrieved from http//www. credoreference. com/entry/sharpecw/obesity_epidemic U. S. Department of Health and kind Services. (n. d. ). aspe. hhs. gov/health/reports/child_obesity/ 26k WEBMD. (2006). http//www. webmd. com/parenting/baby/news/20060926/breastfed-babies-less-overweight

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Organisational behaviour of ‘Breadtalk’ Essay

Question 1 What is Corporate genial righteousness and how could this determine the organisational behaviour of Breadtalk? Corporate Social obligation (CSR) is where corporations or organisations be obliged to inter-relate their businesses with behaving in bang-up and lesson ways. It is where much(pre no.inal) corporations waste notions towards having responsibility to the familiarity that upholds them. Examples of ethical and moral ways varies from giving back to needy conferences in terms of monetary keep and healthc are, to integrating CSR strategies directly into the business tactic of an organisation. By means of integrating is having employee-friendly pitying resource policy where safety in workplace, affectionate security benefit, flexible theatrical role hour, recreation and other benefits are include (cited in The Financial Express, 2010).Breadtalk, well-k in a flashn for its consignment in providing the best for its customers in antithetic countries, give birth given back to the society and providing internal support throughout its company. Breadtalk constantly provides on-the-job training and supervision for its employees, allocate opportunities for head departments to hold higher positions overseas such as overseeing business processes. Having shoemakers last human relations meet bad strong ties into forked out its print even more till Breadtalk now operates across 17 countries and all of which are carefully chosen locations. Overseas trading operations are guarded by pigment players who are chosen with good qualifications and sufficient ones that work well with other divulge players in the company.In commemorating its tenth birthday, Breadtalk donated $50,000 to needy school children of The Straits propagation School Pocket Money bloodline in capital of Singapore from 5 cents from the change of each Floss bun. Organisational behaviour is the domain of judgment the behaviour of individuals and to see them so that organisations tummy relate to such behaviours that scrape in a variety and chance on solutions for them. For Breadtalk, there are many a(prenominal) confident(p) reviews about the company and none is seen to poke out to any pitfall that might occur. On the other hand, having an uncertain future does not mean that constant learning is stop upgrading oneself is key for future success.Organisational behaviour for Breadtalk have moved from traditional to re-engineered values of which have cause a more globalised brain spot for the company, changing nature of work overdue to upgrading technology, improved knowledge care, understanding distinguishable refinements, improving employee-employer relations, having work-life balance, and all these due to an ethical managerial behaviour called Corporate Social indebtedness (CSR). The efforts to find solutions for a good Organisational Behaviour have allowed proper group dynamics and a sense of penury within the company, a few exampl es of such solutions, which have been evaluated from CSR. (412 words)Questions 2 Why is an understanding of cultural differences eventful to the seam Managers at Breadtalk? To assist the Managers of Breadtalk to decide if they should expand to Australia, briefly describe the Australian culture? sense cultural differences give the sack uphold avert acts of ethnocentrism, being aware of a fields elements of culture language, religion, values and attributes, usage and manners, material goods, aesthetics, education complying to cultural dimensions power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity and preserving social structure. sagacity the elements of culture can avoid ethnocentrism. These elements second the understanding of cultural differences by relating to the bucolics way of life. Cultural dimensions help the understanding of how people from various cultures turn out and its uniqueness. In business, managers must understand the culture of other co untries and learn to accept them. In this process, managers have to fight against ethnocentrism and understand the social structure of the host countries.The Aussie culture is a fast-paced, self-absorbed society, typical in the change world. The influences of aborigines culture give the outlook of Australia as casual and friendly. Its a honorable country allowing its people to make their receive decisions at a young age. both men and women gain equal rights in education and work. At young ages of 18 can one enter into a full-magazine profession of their choice. Retirement has no obligatory age. In terms of time and punctuality for business engagements, Aussies are deemed acceptable. In business, its generally expected that issue and service deadlines volition be met whilst considerable delays are considered unacceptable (cited in Australia community and floriculture Complete Report, 2010). Social engagements are equally important to be on time.The pros of expansion will be t apping on a wider consumer experience, increasing benefits in many areas, increased popularity, increased chances of joint-ventures and opportunities. The cons of expansion will be on-going competition if unresolved at lower stages of expansion, increased capital costs, trim performance from foreign agents, conflicts of interests and objectives. Thoughts of expansion can be pondered on. From an interview with BreadTalks caution personnel, the brand would not branch oversea to a country unqualified in meeting the standards and demands required.Looking at the consumer size, it is reward if outlets branch into Australia. Although, looking at the postulate and demands of the Australian community for sustenance sources, specifically bread, competition is highly foreseeable. Breadtalk having its many successes as of now is seen sufficient for the company. Its culture of branching out in Asia is seen a lot. umpteen hope to see the companys success diverts into that direction. If it i s for the best of Breadtalk, expansion into Australia can be a future food for thought. (410 words)(Total 822 words)ReferencesTan, Mindy. (2011) Active in talent management BreadTalk Group CFO Catherine Lee tells MINDY burn why CFOs are most worthy to take on this important task. The business line Times, (accessed whitethorn 10, 2012) http// Bayoud, N., M. Kavanagh, and G. Slaughter. (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Employee Commitment Evidence from Libya. worldwide Journal of Economics and Finance 4, no. 5, (accessed may 10, 2012) http// Tan, Benjamin. (2012) Deft dough-maker. The profession Times, (accessed whitethorn 10, 2012) http// BreadTalk Group Limited Our Company. http// jackpot Ming, Chuang. (2012) PM has straightforward message for companies and workers Firms must think long-term, workers must u pgrade skills. The Business Times, (accessed May 10, 2012) http// Express, The Financial. (2010) CSR soars, benefits all. 2012. The Financial Express, (accessed May 10, 2012) http// Wei Sheng, Lim. (2012) How important is ethics in business system? The Business Times,(accessed May 10, 2012) http// McGraw, P., and S. Dabski. (2010) CORPORATE neighborly RESPONSIBILITY REPORTING IN AUSTRALIAS LARGEST COMPANIES. Labour & Industry 21, no. 1 390-409, (accessed May 10, 2012) http// Nair, Suja R. (2010) Organisational Behaviour. Mumbai Global Media Express, The Financial. (2012) Nestles own style of CSR. The Financial Express, (accessed May 10, 2012) http// Ngee Ann Polytechnic. (2011) Cultural Awareness. International Business Chapter 4-6. Singapore Ngee Ann Polytechnic Press, World barter. (2010) Austral ia Society and Culture Complete Report. California World Trade Press Sharmayne Saunders. (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility A Helping Hand for a Better Belize. International Journal of Business and Social Science 3, no. 9 174-175, (accessed May 10, 2012) http// Wright, N., and H. Bennett. (2011) Business ethics, CSR, sustainability and the MBA. Journal of focussing and Organization 17, no. 5 641-655, (accessed May 10, 2012) http//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or once you have finished to reflect the stream of your arguments, you might want to rewrite it.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation good introductions that are lengthier than they are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder good for a reader to grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A brief introduction will locate off the essay and wont create a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately big draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Keeping the debut can enable you to make sure check your research remains on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective and the problem clear statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to study this more particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve with this further research study as well as what outcome you expect.Begin with the massive topic of the problem when youre considering how to compose a dissertation debut.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The last part of your brief introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your unpublished dissertation is constructed.

It has to be intriguing so as to arouse interest, and stick out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the length of the dissertation introduction, how there are no specific requirements. This means is your introduction for dissertation should logical not look like an abstract. However, it does not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.Studies dont have hypotheses.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation introduction on your part first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress worn out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get down to the easy task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you are finished with unpublished dissertation writing.

In an abstract you must outline what your study is about in character.Make sure the interested reader understands the aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the angeles long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it good will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be more able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as full well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in your research.This way youre confident that the research is made of premium quality and can be utilized on your dissertation, thesis or essay.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and special mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

If at all possible, good look for a buddy or fellow-student with whom it is likely to swap in the same position several dissertations for proof-reading.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate how them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have well chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in own mind that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure deeds that the finished version remains coherent.The simplest way to construct a dissertation is inside-out.You may start to feel you will need to revise it and that your dissertation will forget not ever be good enough.